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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Dandi Wind

Unlike the majority of the bands featured in Systems of Romance thus far, today's band is very much alive and well, keeping mutant synthpunk alive in a new era. Hailing from Canada, this band seems to make little sense at first glance...piercing high pitched synth notes at obscene levels, harsh yet thin electro-beats pulsing like broken machinery, and a female vocalist laced with in-the-red distortion shrieks and screams a strange combination of what sounds like nursery rhymes certain times, biblical passages at others. This band is frantic, but beneath all the chaos lies an incredibly catchy simplicity, a controlled medium in which this band thrives perfectly.

I had the pleasure of catching this band in the flesh just about a week ago, and in person they are easily just as frantic and chaotic- perhaps even more so. A tarted up duo (there was once a live drummer in the band, but no more); one sat behind a rack of keyboards and drum machines controlling the sounds, while the singer provided a spastic full-cardio workout in a blue sequined dance suit, complete with twirling faux-fur props. She swung the microphone to dizzying heights, twirled and broke lit candles from the wall, and thrashed around in the audience, not missing a single beat. I haven't felt so threatened, yet so compelled to dance at a show in a very long time...

Dandi Wind has one album and one EP under their belt, with plans to release their sophomore effort later in the year. For today's consumption, I've uploaded a track from their first record, entitled Concrete Igloo, as well as the first single from its soon-to-be-released follow up, Yolk of the Golden Egg. Enjoy!

download Dandi Wind- 'Utopia Now'
download Dandi Wind- 'Adolescent'

For some visual accompaniment, here's the full band performing 'Baying of the Hounds' live in a tunnel:

...and this is a clip of the show I caught on July 6th at Galapogos, a NYC art-space/venue...The audio quality of this video is a bit compromised, but for a more raw portrait of the band, here's a performance of 'Apotemnophilia.' You better believe I was in right in the front...

For more information, tour dates, purchasing information, and general nonsense, Dandi Wind's homepage can be found here.

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