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Friday, October 12, 2007

An April March

Finally! Fall weather! The most recent bout of New York rain has dropped temperatures considerably, and with the onset of autumn, I tend to dust off most of my shoegaze collection and listen to it obsessively. Don't worry folks, I won't be clogging up these pages with dreampop (unless you ask, of course), but to kick off the first proper week of autumn, I'll toss one out.

Today's band is An April March (not to be confused with ye-ye revivalist April March), a four piece unit hailing from Toronto, Canada. Formed in 1989, the band lasted a decade before splitting up, leaving behind a trail of 7'' singles and 4 full length records. The band combined the dark-bass driven fury of postpunk with a budding shoegaze sound- swirls of guitar feedback and heavily chorused female vocals.

The band split in 1999 after a handful of parting gigs, and vocalist/guitarist Danella Hocevar and guitarist Christopher Perry soon formed the band rethotred.

Today's tracks compromise their 1994 7'' single for 'Lava.' The A-side also appears on their 1995 EP Instruments of Lust and Fury while the B-side was already released on their 1993 record Impatiens.

download An April March- 'Lava'
download An April March- 'Gates Within Us'

No dice on videos- and though a few of their cds, cassettes, and vinyl can still be found through various online outfits, they manage to fetch a hefty sum from those who are aware of their scarcity! Fortunately, yours truly managed to score the 7'' single posted above for a mere buck, so have hope if you're a collector!

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