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Monday, November 12, 2007

Pre Fix- 'Underneathica' 7''

Here's an incredibly rare treat to kick off your Monday, ladies and gentlemen. I have found scarce tidbits of information about today's band, Tuscon, AZ's Pre Fix. The band, whose credits consist of multi-instrumentalists Johnny Glenn and David Herbert, released but one curious and excitingly strange 45'' in 1981 on San Fransciso's Subterranean records.

Credits for the 'Underneathica' single also include production by Tommy Tadlock, more well known for his work with Tuxedomoon. Post-Pre Fix, Johnny Glenn formed The Ballad of Johnny Glenn.

For your listening pleasure, here's both sides of their lone single:

download Pre Fix- 'Underneathica'
download Pre Fix- 'Ectomorphine'

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