Though each of Snowy Red's four records are synth classics, I've uploaded my favorite, 1982's The Right to Die, which has a darker atmosphere and heavier synthetics than some of the other material. For a taste of later day Snowy Red, revisit this post, as the Carol & Snowy Red 'Breakdown' 7'' is included in the grab bag.
Snowy Red- The Right to Die LP (1982)
1. Euroshima (Wardance)
2. Nowhere
3. I'm Hurt
4. Never Alive
5. Relax
6. Opium
7. Lies In Your Eyes
8. Madman
9. The Right To Die
*download it here*
After scouring youtube, I came up with several clips for Snowy Red, but none actually are videos or live performances, but instead are songs playing with a static image, while one consists of a digitally rendered Second Life character boogying to 'Euroshima.' I won't link it here, but it's amusing, for those who wish to seek it out.
Otherwise, I believe Snowy Red's material is best hunted down through your local record shops and eBay, but there IS a seemingly fan-run myspace page, for more information and some digital accompaniment:
Snowy Red on myspace