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Friday, May 2, 2008

Guerre Froide- Untitled 12''/Archives Cassette

The pseudo-request I'm fulfilling originally came in for French coldwave act Guerre Froide's first cassette release, Cicatrice, but I am absolutely unable to track it down, so instead, I offer two fine Guerre Froide releases for anyone unfamiliar with the band.

Guerre Froide began in 1980 as a collective of electronic/organic musicians, releasing several underground cassettes and a 12'' single. They only lasted three years, with several lineup shifts throughout, but the band resumed activity in 2006, with most of the original lineup intact. They have since issued a full-length record in 2007, entitled Angoisses & Divertissement and are touring to this day.

For your listening pleasure, I've zipped both their lone untitled 12'' single (released in 1981) and their 1985 post-breakup cassette, Archives. Here's the individual information for these releases, but please note that the two are uploaded together.

Guerre Froide- Untitled 12''
1. Ersatz
2. Demain Berlin
3. Mauve
4. Peine Perdue

Guerre Froide- Archives Cassette
1. La Chanson D'Ian
2. Eva (Berlin 81)
3. Départ
4. Sans Ultimes Sens Multiples
5. Berlin Demain
6. Remorquage
7. Gloria Victis
8. Brumes
9. Picaro
10. Flashbacks Futurs

*download both here!*

There seems to be an UNofficial video for 'Demain Berlin' kicking around youtube. Perhaps a fan creation? Watch out for the nudity!

Otherwise, if anyone happens to have the 1980 Cicatrice cassette, feel free to chime in! Otherwise, here are links to the band's official web-hubs. Can't seem to find any proper purchasing information for the older material, but my French isn't quite up to speed these days, I'm afraid.

Official Site
Myspace dot com
Purchase Guerre Froide's 2007 record here

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