The project began as far back as 1986, but the first recorded work, the cassette uploaded below, appeared in 1989. Since then, Les Joyaux De La Princesse has released countless limited edition records, each acting as a brief audio document of French history dating back as far as the 1930s. Les Joyaux De La Princesse has also collaborated with several key players in the scene, including the likes of Death in June, Muslimgauze, and Blood Axis. As of 2008, the man behind Les Joyaux De La Princesse records additional material as La Voix Des Nôtres.
Records indicate that the debut uploaded below hails from an extremely limited cassette recording. A limited edition of 49, I reckon this 1989 record would fetch a pretty penny if uncovered in its original form. It was re-released on CD in 1993. Without any further ado, the detials:

Les Joyaux De La Princess- Aux Petits Enfants De France Cassette
1. Exode
2. Témoignage
3. Jours Sombre
4. Automne 1941
5. Le Tambours Des Orphelins
6. L'Hommage À L. Fouquet (Le Drapeu)
7. Le Petit Garçon
8. Dernier Editorial (Lesage)
*download it here*
For more information, including scattered discography, images, interviews, and other goodies, please direct your attention to the following sites:
Chronoglide dot come
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