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Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Just a brief bit here to address something. I have removed my email address from the side bars and profiles due to an overwhelming amount of inappropriate emails from band managers and promoters. In short, I am all for discovering and promoting new music, but the amount of emails coming in promoting music that is in no way appropriate for this blog has been overwhelming and downright annoying.

I used to try giving each a whirl, and it's not that the majority of them are bad (though some are), it's just not what this blog is meant for. Any new artist I promote on these pages is at my own discretion and at my own discovery, and are truly new artists I believe in 100%. So if you see this, please think twice about sending an email with an EPK, myspace profile, links, or lengthy review poaching, because chances are, it will end up in the digital trash box.

To those eager to send a more appropriate email about bands in question, requests, and the sort, I apologise for cutting off the most direct form of communication, but should you need to be in touch, please leave comments in the blog and I will get back to you posthaste.


PS- Stay tuned over the next day or two for some rare Airstrip 1 material!

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